Wednesday, November 28, 2012

my 4 year olds

My gosh.. its been sooo long since I wrote. The bubs are no longer bubs. They are 4 now and are soooo farnee. 

Cookie is 15kgs and Eggy is 13kgs. C has the H butt and E has the B Butt. hehehe!! Wud love to post a pix but hubs is sure to be upset!!

Some stories about the gals
C : Mummy- Kenapa orang mati?
M : Kerana mereka tua.
 C : Kenapa mummy?
M : Inilah hakikat kehidupan kita semua. Kita dilahirkan, membesar, bekerja, kahwin, ada anak, jadi tua dan sakit dan mati akhirnya (omigosh.. sounds so bad)
C : Tapi kenapa mummy?
M : ?????

E : I want to see Nutcracker Suite Ballet
M : Here you go E : Oooh .. dia pandai menari (I wonder how she knows that the dancer is good)

C&E : Nak tengok Egg eating snake
M : here you go
C&E : OOh.. soooo cute dia makan telur itu. Dia macam ikan. kenapa dia buang kulit telur itu dari badannya

C&E : Nak mummy belikan Horned Lizard.  Dia boleh pancut darah dari mata...
M : Msia tak de la sayang
C&E : Kenapa...dia sangat cute!! Suruh papa beli di Amerika.