Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mountain roads

I have been finding my sleep filled with weird dreams lately. Why just last night, I dreamed of a long windy mountain road. I was somehow walking on it... and then I spotted 2 lions with big fluffy hair.. like lions are apt to have. I stopped in my tracks... in fear... who would not be afraid of lions....

They looked at me.. with twinkles in their eyes...strange! Then I saw a local woman with a basket on her head walking past those 2 lions and into a side gate. The 2 lions just blinked at her. Curiousity! I cautiously walked nearer to them and noted that they were just mountain goats... then my dream ended!


Phoenix Heart said...

hmmm, ya man, such a weird dream.

Mia said...

Something is wrong... either I really miss Angeline.. but she is here.... or really.. I must be thinking of something... now can't place a finger??