Sunday, March 09, 2008


I had a CTG (cardiotocograph) done last week where the doctor wanted to check if my womb was about to have contractions. 1 small device was strapped to my abdomen with soft belt- it measures the intensity and duration of contraction. Fortunately, my womb was restful. I am now at 30 weeks tomorrow. So I will visit the doctor again next week to check again for this. This is becos if the babies decide to come out in less than 32 weeks.. they will have trouble surviving without having defects. So that means another 2 weeks to go!

"Your pregnancy- week by week" by Lesley Regan was enlightening. She herself is a medical doctor who had twins at 33 weeks gestation! The babies had no complications but had to be in the special care ward for a month. That I think is rather scary too!

Marido sud be back from his business trip this week. I would be happy to welcome him home. It had been rather tiring being all by myself (with Nimbus for company). It would be nice to have the hubby back again.

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